
Containers #

Docker Firewalling #

By default, docker seems to start with --iptables=true everywhere. That means that the docker daemon will insert its own iptables rules to enable inter-container communication and publish ports. However that means that published ports will be published publicly by default.

That means that a container started with -p 8000:8000 will be open to the world on that port. Even if your firewalld configuration does not permit this port. This is because Docker completely circumvents any firewall managers.

Disable iptables tampering #

To disable this behaviour add --iptables=false to the start arguments of docker. Either do that by editing the systemd service, or set an DOCKER_OPTS="..." in /etc/default/docker if applicable.

$ systemctl edit docker.service
ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -H fd:// --iptables=false

This also disables the forwarding rules however. Your containers will not be able to reach the outside world anymore. To reenable the forwarding with firewalld use:

$ firewall-cmd --add-masquerade --permanent

Or using raw iptables rules:

-A FORWARD -i docker0 -o eth0 -j ACCEPT
-A FORWARD -i eth0 -o docker0 -j ACCEPT

Full Systemd Inside a Container #

Podman introduced some fixes that enable you running a full systemd init process inside of a rootless container. That way you can start a normal CentOS image with podman run ... centos init and login like you would in a virtual machine, enable systemd services etc.

To properly login you need two small fixes however. First you need a known password. Since moust images have passwords disabled or empty for all accounts you’ll need to mount an edited /etc/shadow. The following line for example sets the root password to literally password:


Another fix is required for PAM, since the console accepts your password but PAM fails to create a session for you. The fix is simple:

sed -i '/^session.*^/#/' /etc/pam.d/login

Mount these two files inside the container and finally start it with:

podman run --rm -it -v ... centos:latest init