Local PXE Boot Server

Local PXE Boot Server

March 9, 2017
Linux, Homelab

Today I set out to setup a local CentOS mirror for quicker PXE installations of my virtual machines. In the long run this will probably be superseded by a Spacewalk machine (update: discontinued on May 31, 2020) and until now netboot.xyz has served me well. For the time being I just wanted a faster alternative.

The kpxe file for netboot.xyz is tiny and can easily be used with the builtin TFTP server of OpenWRT / LEDE project or any other TFTP server. It uses signatures to verify the downloaded files, however it keeps downloading all the files over http because https keeps timing out for me. So, yeah. Also you are downloading a lot of data multiple times if you’re deploying multiple machines.

I will be focusing on the TFTP server and the local mirror here. There’s plenty of documentation around the net on how to enable PXE boot through DHCP options. For a LEDE project router it is as simple as DHCP and DNS > TFTP Settings > Enable .. > Network boot image: pxelinux.0,,<ipaddr>.

There is also a HowTo for CentOS 6 on their wiki.

setup #

The base system will be a recent CentOS 7.3 minimal installation. No additional packages were installed during setup, SElinux stays enabled in enforcing mode and firewalld is active per the default. A mirror of the current latest CentOS version is a little over 8GB. If you want to install more versions or perhaps other distributions, plan your harddrive space accordingly.

network configuration #

First of all, make sure that your TFTP server has a static IP and a running DHCP server points to it for PXE boot. I’m going to skip this step here because I am assuming a seperate DHCP server. (this wiki might help)

packages #

We need some additional packages. Namely, we need the TFTP server, some Syslinux files for the PXE menu and a webserver to serve our kickstart file and the local CentOS mirror.

Install them all with:

root @pxe ~ # yum install tftp-server syslinux-tftpboot httpd

The syslinux-tftpboot package puts some files into /var/lib/tftpboot/ and this is also the default directory served by tftp-server.

httpd serves files from /var/www/html/ by default, so we’re going to put our kickstart files and mirror there.

tftp-server #

All the menu files for Syslinux are now present but it still lacks configuration. Syslinux expects those in a subdirectory pxelinux.cfg/ and looks for a file called default in there. So let’s add a configuration file now:

root @pxe /var/lib/tftpboot # mkdir pxelinux.cfg
root @pxe /var/lib/tftpboot # vi pxelinux.cfg/default

The contents should be similar to these:

default menu.c32
prompt 0
timeout 300


LABEL local
	MENU LABEL Boot from local harddrive

LABEL centos
	MENU LABEL ^CentOS 7.3.1611 x86_64
	KERNEL images/centos/7.3.1611/x86_64/vmlinuz
	APPEND ks=http://pxe/kickstart/centos.ks initrd=images/centos/7.3.1611/x86_64/initrd.img ramdisk_size=100000

You see my finished CentOS entry there. The appropriate files are still missing of course .. Observe however: version='7.3.1611'; arch='x86_64';. We’ll need those values a few times.

select a mirror #

Now would be a good moment to select a mirror, which delivers good performance for you. Either consult the Mirrorlist for mirrors close to you or - if your system has yum-plugin-fastestmirrors, which probably is the case - take a look at /var/cache/yum/$arch/$version/timedhosts.txt. The smaller the last number, the better.

Preferably, use both ressources and choose a mirror which supports the rsync protocol. Note down the HTTP and RSYNC locations.

kernel images #

The first thing that should load after the Syslinux menu is the kernel. So let’s download the appropriate images.

I’ve created a folder structure starting with images/ and the distribution in the TFTP directory. The rest of the path is similar to the paths on the CentOS mirrors but slightly abbreviated:

root @pxe /var/lib/tftpboot # ll images/centos/7.3.1611/x86_64/
total 47628
-rw-r--r--. 1 1000 1000 43372552 Dec  5 14:20 initrd.img
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 1000 1000  5392080 Nov 22 17:53 vmlinuz*

These two files would be located under /7.3.1611/os/x86_64/images/pxeboot/ on a regular CentOS mirror. If you look back at the Syslinux configuration above, you’ll find the kernel and initrd lines matching these files.

kickstart #

Kickstart is a way to perform automated system installations. This requires another configuration file, which is appended when loading the initrd. Let’s create that kickstart file in /var/www/html/ now. Actually, I’m going to use a subfolder kickstart/ and a file named centos.ks:

root @pxe /var/www/html # mkdir kickstart
root @pxe /var/www/html # vi kickstart/centos.ks

I am definitely no expert with these files but whenever you complete a CentOS installation, the installer drops such a kickstart file of the performed setup into root’s home: /root/anaconda-ks.cfg. That is what I started with before tidying it up a little and ending up with this:

# perform automated installation in textmode
url --url="http://pxe/mirror/centos/7.3.1611/x86_64"

# language and keyboard
lang en_GB.UTF-8
keyboard --vckeymap=de --xlayouts='de'

# timezone and network settings
timezone Europe/Berlin --isUtc
services --enabled="chronyd"
network  --bootproto=dhcp --device=ens192 --ipv6=auto --activate

# account security
auth --enableshadow --passalgo=sha512
rootpw --iscrypted $6$6O.YX3JTEF30kWX3$UVE1dc4VxNLa3ie5rhh2F2C8wmK05RTQ/k2z5KhEvwRMQcDIyGrakzYewwNzxudFxA2DHWpnAEbEWbAXU64xy.

# disk partitioning
ignoredisk --only-use=sda
bootloader --append=" crashkernel=auto" --location=mbr --boot-drive=sda
autopart --type=lvm
clearpart --none --initlabel

# reboot when finished

# installed packages

# enable kernel dumps
%addon com_redhat_kdump --enable --reserve-mb='auto'

A few things to note here:

  • you will most certainly want to adjust your localization settings, like language, keyboard layout and timezone
  • check the network configuration too, especially the device
  • the disk is simply automatically partitioned! careful with any existing partitions or special requirements
  • the root password hash corresponds to a password of literally just password! you might want to change this too

password hash #

There’s a helpful answer on stackexchange.com, that describes how to create these password hashes on the commandline. Some tutorials simply use openssl and set the algorithm to md5, because that’s the only one that openssl can generate. Please don’t do that. Here’s a python one-liner to generate you own salted SHA512 hash:

python -c 'import crypt,getpass; print(crypt.crypt(getpass.getpass(), crypt.mksalt(crypt.METHOD_SHA512)))'

mirror url #

You could skip the next step of creating a local CentOS mirror and simply use an existing mirror on the internet. That would work but that would actually be worse than simply using netboot.xyz. Helpful for debugging purposes though.

create a local mirror #

In order for you to really profit from this local installation, you’ll need to create a mirror of the CentOS installation directory. Again, there is a nice HowTo over at the CentOS wiki.

The easiest possibility is to just rsync a subdirectory from a mirror, as you don’t need a full mirror unless you want to be able to install every single version.

I automated both the synchronization of the kernel images and the specific mirror in a script:

#!/usr/bin/env sh

# transfer settings
sync() {
  rsync \
    --archive \
    --hard-links \
    --delete \
    --compress \
    --no-motd \
    --progress \
    "$1" "$2"

# version and architecture

# kernel directory and local mirror

# upstream mirror (from: https://www.centos.org/download/mirrors/)

# sync pxeimages
mkdir -p "$images"
sync "$upstream/images/pxeboot/" "$images/"

# sync local mirror
mkdir -p "$httpd"
sync "$upstream/" "$httpd/"

The last command mirrors the installation files for the current latest release at /var/www/html/mirror/centos/7.3.1611/x86_64/. This enables us to easily serve the files via http in a moment.

enable services #

As a last step we need to enable both the tftp-server as well as the httpd daemon. Enable and start both services in one command with systemd:

root @pxe ~ # systemctl enable --now tftp.socket httpd.service 
Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/sockets.target.wants/tftp.socket to /usr/lib/systemd/system/tftp.socket.
Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/httpd.service to /usr/lib/systemd/system/httpd.service.

Finally, allow incoming connections to both services:

root @pxe ~ # firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=tftp --add-service=http
root @pxe ~ # firewall-cmd --reload

success #

If all goes well and you fire up a new PXE-capable machine in this network, you should be greeted with the PXE menu:

And if you select the second option, a fresh copy of CentOS should automatically install:
